Wishful thinking, I know. How about at least reducing the number of unsubscribes by becoming a smarter marketer?
With each New Year, I make a conscious effort to purge all
the clutter I’ve amassed over the past 12 months. January, (at least in Chicago), blesses us with nightfall before 5:00 and temperatures
colder than one can bear. Forced indoors, all of life’s assets are up for
renewal. Clothes that have fallen out of style or become too tight - Goodwill.
“Important” documents that have long since lost their purpose - shredded.
And then, there’s EMAIL
Starting Jan 1, I try to suspend the natural inclination to simply
send unwanted messages to the trash. Instead, I take the time to sign in on an
actual computer and
unsubscribe. It’s mostly new emailers who get the ax –
businesses with whom I bought from for the first time over the holidays. But there
are always a number of long-time relationships with which I decide to sever ties
as well. In veritably, it’s the people from whom I hear too often.
I suppose there is no golden rule, and “expert” opinions will
clash. The ideal frequency of emails varies greatly by industry/product type
and by level of customer engagement. Maybe the most important thing to do is go back-to-basics and look at your metrics. We’re talking opens, clicks, and click-throughs.
Quality over Quantity
Although monetarily-speaking it may cost very little to deploy
an email, marketers must bear in mind the pitfalls of customer fatigue. Weigh
the cost of damages to brand equity (and
sales) associated with recipients who have begun to instinctively send your
emails to the trash. If they aren’t even seeing your offers, they can’t react favorably
to those which are relevant.
You don’t want to reach the point where you’ve been reduced
to white noise. Less (can be) more.
Here are a few of my
inbox’s top offenders from 2011:
(In no particular
Here is a retailer whose business model is designed around gifting
for life-events. On the web, customers can create a profile, save important
dates, and opt-in to e-reminders when
said dates are approaching. Perfect.
For a long time that’s how our relationship worked; silence
until a self-identified date was approaching. Then, bam! – an email reminder, complete with last year’s gift selection
and similar offerings; a target marketer’s dream!
But lately it’s been an email a day. Sometimes two, if a “sales deadline” is approaching. No specific
event, no personalization whatsoever.
The Opt-Out Process:
1-800-Flowers has
an opt-down clause (see below), but limits
it to a reduction of one email per week. Still too much for me. Once
unsubscribed, I was dumped onto a blank page; whether or not the opt-out was a
success remains unknown.
Banana Republic
Sure. It’s my “last chance” for a midweek treat. Until next
week. And don’t worry; there will be a near-identical sale tomorrow – aptly
named for the weekend.
Every morning like clockwork, before even getting out of bed,
another BR message gets deleted. I love you Banana, and your sales are usually quite good.
But enough already – potassium overload!
The Opt-Out Process:
And it’s “change my
email preferences” to the rescue! Another last-minute save brought to us by
the opt-down! Unfortunately, BR still has some work to do. You can’t adjust
frequency here. Instead, you can narrow solicitations by gender (and further
for women with “petites”). Not as robust as I would have liked.
HotWire “Deals”
Allow me to set the stage for my aggravation. I was planning
a beach vacation last August, and decided to explore a few rental car options.
Another member of my party booked a car through their service and I abandoned
search. I still get weekly emails alerting me to three-cent swings in
price for rental cars in Myrtle Beach - my “personalized”
What have the good people at Hotwire found to be the average
window of time one explores rental car options prior to making a choice? Do they
really think I still need a compact in Myrtle Beach, some six months after my
initial search?
The Opt-Out Process:
Here, we have a more robust amount of choices at our
disposal, including opting-out of “personalized” alerts vs. “general” savings
notices, big deals and specific trip watcher services. Well done, HotWire!
Still, it would be great if there was a way to earmark specific “personalized” offers
as no longer relevant. There was a feedback box to describe one’s experience on
the subscription page (below). You
better believe I made the request.
GREAT addition, guys! |
So there you have it. A small sample from my email “dump
list” for 2012.
As Marketers, what
can we do?
Does anything really
require daily emails? I can’t think of one brand or product that I’d want
to hear from every day. If you’re emailing your prospects daily, just stop.
That’s the first thing.
Also, look at your
open-rates. Consider isolating a group of individuals who have left your emails
unopened for a while. Cease all communication with them for a few months. Then,
hit ‘em with a marquee offer. See if their open rate changes. Absence may make
their heart grow fonder.
Next, segment,
segment, segment! With your new found insight, begin to break your customer
list down by frequency of open/response. Rate offers by varying degree of
marketability and only deploy to customer tiers most likely to responds.
Ponder what you can
move to Social Media. Variety is the
spice of life. You want to announce a week-long promotion via email, fine. Don’t
count down the days of the sale with follow-up emails. Instead, opt for tweeting
the promo or reminding followers on Facebook. If you’re struggling to come up
with new content, it’s a good sign you don’t have enough to say to warrant an
email in the first place. Send out a quick 140 on Twitter instead. Your email
and social media audiences might not be a complete overlap, but you can work on
that integration later.
And above all else,
Opt-Out with “Opt-Down.” I was amazed by the number of big name brands that
still favor one-click unsubscribe over an opt-down option. It’s what saved me
with Banana Republic! Give your customers the ability to define your
relationship on their terms. It sure beats losing their attention all together!
Who did you purge
from your inbox the holiday season and why?
How easy or effective was the opt-out process? Share!